Why does this site exist?
Let’s face it; Indiana is a strange place!
I believe there’s a reason why Eerie Indiana, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Stranger Things were set in Indiana. While those are obvious works of fiction (and at times bear little resemblance to Indiana’s geographical features), I believe those places are right at home here in Indiana, having lived here most of my life and having seen some truly strange things here.
My intention is to create an alternative to MUFON through which Hoosiers (or people living in towns/cities on the Indiana border) could share stories, make UFO/UAP reports, or simply report strangeness in general (cryptids, hauntings, strange phenomena). If possible I’d like to then speak with you, investigate, and if it’s agreeable to you, share some of the details of your experience with others.
I also love creating and discussing theories related to various phenomenon.
My basic belief is…
Most of the natural phenomena and behavioral rules of this world, while somewhat fascinating, are well defined and researched. But the fringes of reality! That’s where the truly interesting stuff is!
Are you affiliated with MUFON?
No. I’m just a guy who’s interested in UFOs and other strange phenomena.
While I respect the mission of MUFON, for a number of reasons I’ve decided to create an alternate way of receiving local UFO/UAP reports which I can investigate on my own without adhering to their methodologies or assessment procedures.
Personally I feel those rules, as well as some issues relating to their large organizational structure, work against their intended purpose.
Because they are often the target of hoaxers and trolls, instead of going into an investigation with a sense of open curiosity, often times I feel they must first go into it looking to assign some natural explanation.
I also wonder if they feel they must apply scientific rigidity to their reports to be considered seriously.
Fair enough, but instead of defaulting to saying “I don’t know what you saw/experienced/heard. It may have been real. It may have been a hoax. Who knows?” They instead assign some stock, natural explanation to 90% of all reports (or more) from a drop-down menu in their CMS, which in my opinion discourages people who submit reports.
How will you handle my report?
First of all, if you tell me your story or submit evidence to me, there are a few things I can assure you will happen:
- I will take your report seriously and investigate it with a sense of human curiosity. If you’re trying to fool me, hopefully I will be able to figure it out, but that’s on you if I don’t. I get some people find it amusing to fool people, but that’s not on me.
- I will respect your privacy, anonymity, and dignity.
- I will only relay the specific details of your story on this site that you specifically want to share.
- I will never be so presumptuous as to say I know exactly what you saw/heard/experienced. Neither of us may ever know for sure, but you were the one who experienced this and I recognize how life-changing that can be.
- If there is some way I can help you deal with any adverse, lasting effects of your experiences, I will, but just know I’m not a professional in the medical, religious, or psychiatric fields, so please do not expect too much from me.
Is this site affiliated with or concerned about the US government?
Absolutely not, nor will I be covering or discussing anyone’s theories related to government involvement with the UFO/UAP phenomenon.
Let’s face it, if you want that information you can get it elsewhere, and I don’t want to be the target of any government inquiries.
If the government is trying to keep some black project secret, I may not understand their reasons, but I feel like there are enough of us out there experiencing real, unexplained phenomena that it’s better to concentrate on the experiencers rather than dig into any possible ties to the government. You may not feel the same, and I get that.
What WILL be covered on this site?
Hoosier (or bordering Buckeye, Kentuckian, Illini, Michigander) reports of strange phenomena, especially UFO/UAP phenomena, theories about reality which might explain such phenomena, a few of my personal stories involving UFOs and other strange phenomena, weird places in Indiana that seem to be hot beds for strange phenomena.
Hopefully it will be some fun and fascinating content!
How can a report be submitted?
You can either use our report form, or feel free to contact me directly at roland@indianaufos.com
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